Tollywood star Nandamuri Balakrishna or NBK, has been synonymous with quirky cinema for many decades now. He has managed to create a separate fan base with his histrionics on screen who watch Telugu web series and movies with him in the central role.
No wonder his fans look forward to every new release and every new show that he is a part of. We witnessed something similar when NBK (or Balayya Babu as he is fondly known) came up with the 2nd season of his hit talk show Unstoppable with NBK.
Unstoppable Season 2 is now airing on the favourite Telugu OTT platform Aha.
Aha came up with a unique ploy to kick off the 2nd season with an anthem designed especially for the show. Rahul Kumar Velpula, aka Roll Rida, who is a Telugu rapper, has been at the forefront of developing the anthem and writing its lyrics. Its music is credited to popular music director Mani Sharma’s son, Mahati Swara Sagar.
What is the talk show about?
Continuing with the previous edition, the talk show keeps NBK at the centre stage in each and every frame of the show. The IMDB-top-rated show ensures good conversations of NBK with the various people who grace the episode of the show.
Season 1 of Unstoppable with NBK premiered on November 4, 2021, and had quickly hit the top of the charts in terms of viewership and ratings. Hence, the makers and the OTT channel have no problem coming up with a second season to bank on the massive mass popularity of NBK.
It is interesting to note that Unstoppable with NBK showcased the OTT debut of Balayya Babu. It was his maiden attempt at hosting a talk show and going by the reactions received by Season 1, his performance was well-received by his fans and dedicated show viewers alike. The Simha actor found a lot of popularity to match his larger-than-life image with the help of the show’s first season. The same frenzy is expected to follow the second season too.
Catch it on Aha
Aha Telugu OTT has certainly hit the right note with the presentation and production values with Unstoppable NBK talk show. It has successfully given airtime to the Telugu legend and provided an opportunity for him to connect with fans and celebrities alike. It will also bolster the OTT’s position as the leading digital streaming platform for wholesome Telugu entertainment.