What are the symptoms of lice infections? 

Head lice are tiny insects which are feeding the blood from the scalp of a human. Lice are mostly affecting the children and are resulting in the direct transfer of lice from one person to another person via hair. Lice in the hair are also a sign of personal hygiene or the unclean living environment. Lice in the hair are not carried by viral or bacterial infectious diseases.

There are prescribed over-the- counter medicines by lice removal Indianapolis that are available for treating the lice in the head. You can follow the instructions carefully and get rid of the lice from the hair and scalp. Besides slices, there are also eggs which also need to be removed.

There are several natural remedies which have also been used for treating lice infections. But there is no evidence of the effectiveness of this treatment.

Symptoms and signs of lice infections


These are the most common symptoms of lice infections on the scalp, ears, and neck. Itching is an allergic reaction to the louse bites. When a person is having the infection of lice for the first time then itching will not occur after four to six weeks of starting of infections.

Lice on scalp 

It is very difficult to spot this as they are very small, moving quickly and avoiding the light.

Lice Eggs

Eggs are mostly sticking on the shafts of hair. It is very difficult to incubate the eggs because they are very tiny and cannot be seen with the naked eye. They are very easily spotted around the hairline and the ears around the neck. Empty eggs are easily spotted because they are very light in color and mostly they are on the scalp.

Lice eggs can also be found on shafts of hair and it can also cause sores on your neck, shoulders, and scalps.

In the case of the above-mentioned symptoms consult lice removal Indianapolis at https://www.licedoctors.com/locations/indianapolis.

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